Thursday, December 29, 2011


215.4 (-3.4)

Sweet!! Lost water/TOM weight over night. Gotta love when that happens...

Breakfast was so good... Over easy egg, with the melba dipped in the "sop." Felt almost like a normal breakfast. Sometimes I add an egg for breakfast as an extra protein, though doing so is off protocol. I firmly believe that our bodies are designed to eat breakfast. Also helps me with feeling deprived, and doesn't seem to stall me so long as I stay within the calorie limit. It definitely limits what I can eat for the rest of the day, though. I'll have to have a smaller lunch today, because I'm planning steak for supper, which is higher in calories.

This diet is interesting, really. I think I'm eating less meat and more vegetables than I did before the diet. The rest of those calories were filled in with larger portions of meat, pasta and simple carbs. I ate lots of whole wheat/grain bread, too, but oozing with vegan butter. I think the food I miss most is toast with butter. I love everything about it — flavor, texture, etc.

Breakfast (112):
Coffee w/cocoa, milk, stevia (20)
1 egg (72)
1 melba (20)

Lunch (180):
7 slices roast beast lunch meat (60)
1 melba (20)
2 t. horseradish mustard (10) - excited to find some with no off-protocol ingredients
1 can mustard greens (70)
Nibbles from kids grilled cheese (20) - oops!

Dinner (435):
5 oz. eye of round steak (250) - oops!
1 onion (50)
1.5 c. beef broth (30)
1 apple (75)
3 bites of lentil stew (30)

Whoa; totally blew my calories by not planning ahead.

Daily total: 727

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