Thursday, December 8, 2011


225.8 (-0.6)

I suspect my smaller loss today is due to lots of salt yesterday. So that's OK. Not that I expect 1+ lb. losses every day anyway.

I had a bit of a panic this morning when I realized that I didn't have enough HCG left for another dose and my new vial of bacteriostatic water is on the slow boat from China (or the east coast via USPS ... same difference). How was I going to mix another round without water? Pharmacies around here don't seem to sell it. Yikes! Then I remembered that I had ordered a second mixing kit because I ordered three 2,000 iu vials of HCG rather than two 5,000 iu vials. So I had another bottle of water in the second mixing kit. Phew!! Got the new batch mixed without screwing it up this time. Yay, me!

I'm finding that with such a small calorie window, it's helpful to weight all food in grams and reference for info. There's a big calorie difference between a small apple and a large one. So I need to be on task.

Breakfast (77):
1 apple (77)

Green tea w/stevia

Lunch (200):
3.7 oz. canned chicken breast (105) - over 100 g., but about the right calories
231 g. cucumber slices, marinated in vinegar-water (50)
2 rye melba (45)

Snack (42):
132 g. strawberries (42)

Dinner (208):
100 g. leftover fajita chicken (165)
1 c. mixed greens (chard, mustard, collard, etc.) (43)

Total Calories: 527 (oops!)

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